Jan 04 2025 11 mins
In this week's readings we see very different examples of encountering Jesus. The Gospel, Matthew 2:1-12. tells of the Wise Men from the east, kneeling before a baby in a manger with their precious gifts of great value. We imagine the scene each Christmas as we gaze at our Nativity. But in Ephesians Paul tells us we may approach the throne of Jesus with freedom and confidence. What a different picture! Not only is Jesus now seated on a throne, He is to be approached confidently- like one who we love and know well. Someone we can share our intimate secrets with, because there is a bond of love between us that knows no bounds. How amazing is the gift of God's grace, poured out for us through His Son! May you feel the same confidence as you approach Jesus this week.
The message was written and presented by Dr. Wendy Mayer.