The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret is a podcast in which your hosts, Joanna Hagan and Francine Carrel, read and recap every book from Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series in chronological order.
This week, a bonus episode! We’re looking at World of Poo, Dodger’s Guide to London and Mrs Bradshaw’s Handbook.
Lavatories! Naughty Girls! Shirtless Vimes!
Find us on the internet:
Twitter: @MakeYeFretPod
Instagram: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFret
Facebook: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFret
Email: [email protected]
Want to follow your hosts and their internet doings? Follow Joanna on twitter @joannahagan and follow Francine @francibambi
Things we blathered on about:
Beauty, what it is and how to retain it - Internet Archive
Music: Chris Collins,