May 27 2022 42 mins
Engaging parents of our most "at-risk" children can be super hard. Grant-funded programs serving poor and disadvantaged, or otherwise at-risk families utilize a weighted eligibility scale for making enrollment decisions, to ensure that the neediest children are served. But what if the neediest families don't know your program exists?
One program in Mattoon, IL has created the solution to this issue, by establishing a presence within the community and making strong connections with teens and other high-risk parents, right from birth or even before.
In this podcast, Sara interviews Katrina Farris, the Director of Early Childhood in Mattoon, IL. Katrina spearheaded an effort in Mattoon to create Mattoon's Birth to Three home visiting program for parents of infants and toddlers. Katrina's passion, ingenuity, and sheer dedication to finding out about the needs of young parents and then setting about to bring in the resources families need are what has made this program successful. When it comes to engaging and serving our most hard to reach families, Katrina and her team have identified several key factors: 1) It's all about relationships - we can build them by being where they are and providing help when they need it; 2) Teen parents and other at-risk parents may be in crisis - If we can provide supports at these critical times, we will build the trust that is needed for parents to receive child development and parenting information as well; and 3) Connect them to us (their school or child care program) and the greater community! This way, parents learn how to utilize the community resources that are out there for them, now and forever. Other program administrators and home visitors may really cultivate some good ideas for what they might like to include in their own Infant / Toddler / Parent programs, and will definitely be inspired by this podcast!!
Make sure you tune in to this podcast, and share it with colleagues, as we discover the inner secrets of being Every Child’s Champion!
(Refer to the Chapter Markers tab for time-stamped highlights)
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