Under Dead Water- S03E06

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Apr 10 2024 18 mins  

In 1988, Amelia digs into county records about Elizabeth Cullivan- aka Willow. Shay shows Amanda more about Rebecca's work at the Orphans' home in the 1870s. The local lodge had begun placing some of the children in foster homes across the country, but when Rebecca sees that Captain Pedersen is in charge, she becomes suspicious. Walter, Jerry, Valli and Omar set off across Dead Water Lake as Amelia uncovers more of Willow's lost history at the nursing home, which had once been the same Orphan's home that employed Rebecca in the 1870s.


Amelia Kuthright- Bonnie Bogovich
Amanda Walston- Amanda Goodman
Shay Faroun- Erin Lillis
Mike Karas- Chris Burke
Rebecca MacPherson- Sarah Hofaker
Captain Pedersen- Graham Rowat
Young Ebba- Noa Graham
Walter Stedding- Clayton Romero
Valli Molina- Stephanie Booker
Jerry Rivers- Matthew Burd
Omar Williamson- Maurice Thomas

Associate Producer- Brandon Duke

Music by glomag
Willow's Theme vocals and vocal arrangement by Bonnie Bogovich

Sound Design
by Chris Burke

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