Jan 23 2023 31 mins
Black Girl Magic, FULL STOP
Marteekah is back for the fifty-leventh time and is tickity tockiting herself to more subscribers.
Sheryl Lee Ralph points out the obvious culprits of cultural appropriation while giving her 15-year-old self some love!
Lastly, Mielle products are for black women and "das it".
You know we like to Keep it Simple Sis.. let's keke
Episode Resources: Mielle , Sheryll Lee Ralph, Lori Harvey
I Love kee-keeing with you every week, let us continue cutting it up on...
Timestamps for ya'll!!
0:50 "Welcome Back and Happy New Year"
5:19 "#blackgirlfollowtrain"
10:00 "Sheryl Lee Ralph"
13:00 "Black creators need space too"
15:55 "Remember You are the Price"
22:00 "Mielle is for Black Women, full stop"
38:40 "Patrick Starr OneSize x Fantasia"
40:00 "First Black-Owned Makeup Company to Land a Deal on SharkTank"
I Love kee-keeing with you every week, let us continue cutting it up on...
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