Apr 04 2023 62 mins
Keynote speaker, success coach, author, television host, and philanthropist, Simon T. Bailey's purpose in life is to help you discover your brilliance and increase psychological well-being. Today's guest helped me regain the strength, perspective, and incentive to bring myself back to life. It was a game changer and life saver.
We discuss his book Ignite the Power of Women In Your Life—A Guide for Men, heartbreak of climbing the ladder of perceived success only to discover it was propped against the wrong wall, building a house but losing a home, chasing money but having no meaning, pursuing power without purpose and gaining status but having no satisfaction, the hopelessness that greets you and your relationship when you're focused on outward appearances more than internal connections, healing the mother wound, filling the hole within you in order to show up whole in relationships, latching onto relationships out of desperation versus inspiration, how cherishing goes steps beyond loving someone, dating with more intention and communication before even meeting, ego versus eco, igniting the power of women, affirming men, suicidal ideation, the power and encouragement of going "just a little bit more" and becoming who you're meant to be as you answer a problem connected to your unique wiring, and so much more poignant and life-enhancing insights.
Forever grateful for Simon T. Bailey:
Website: https://simontbailey.com
Books: https://simontbailey.com/books
Ignite the Power of Women in Your Life–A Guide for Men: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Power-Women-Your-Life
Courses: https://simontbailey.com/courses
Speaking; https://simontbailey.com/speaking
Contact: [email protected]
Chelsea Leigh Trescott:
Website: https://breakupward.com
Email: [email protected]
Advice Column: https://www.huffpost.com
Writing: https://thoughtcatalog.com/chelsea-leigh-trescott
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thankyouheartbreak
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/musings