Hello beautiful beings!
Please welcome Noel Coakley to the Good Medicine podcast. Noel was one of my teachers in the 100hr mindfulness meditation teacher training put on through Dharma Moon. It was there that I felt the need to dive deeper with Noel and have the talk you are about to hear. Noel is a psychotherapist, meditation teacher, and former elementary school special educator. He has studied Tibetan Buddhism since 1997 and the Bön tradition since 2013. He is a father, husband, and friend to a dog named Clementine. Noel is the director of the Boston Center for Contemplative Practice and an assistant director at Dharma Moon . Noel is dedicated to the accessibility of the dharma and its application in modern culture. This conversation moves through Noels path to his practice and his role in the community. We transition into the ideas that Buddhism and the Bön tradition and how we can apply those in our modern lives.
Dharma Moon
Boston Center for Contemplative Practice
You can follow Noel at @wakeupsleepybuddha