Jan 04 2024 83 mins
This week I talked to Chris and Wes Johnson from the band Hardcore Lounge about their family history, their history in music, documentary film making, underneath the stage at the Milestone Club, and more! We spend a good bit of time talking about The Johnson Family Singers, making this the furtherest back GGH has gone in local music history! Listen to learn more!
Hardcore Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054169163505
Wesley Johnson YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wesleyjohnson5575
Songs for GGTH89:
The Johnson Family Singers - You Must Be Born Again
Betty Johnson - It’s Been a Long, Long Time
Cyclone Mack - Western Avenue
Hardcore Lounge - Terrible Time
Hardcore Lounge - Pterodactyl
Skeeters - Porno Rock
Hardcore Lounge - Holiday
Hardcore Lounge - Samui Blues
Hardcore Lounge - Bali
The Johnson Family Singers - Deliverance Will Come
Visit Gabba Gabba Records & Vintage Goods! Located inside Vintage Village, on the first floor near Dillards, in the Eastridge Mall, Gastonia, NC!