Jan 10 2022 11 mins
Episode Notes
Season #6, Episode #1
Are you a crappy trainer
I recently spoke to a friend about her experience in her recent Training & Assessment course, it made me furious and prompted some questions to you, my listeners.
Never forget this is your clients learning journey not yours!
What is your delivery like?
Do you know why your learners are there, take the time to get to know their motivation and remember you are there to teach skills and knowledge not talk at people.
Becoming complacent with our delivery as we know the content so well that we forget that the student doesn’t know what they don’t know, and we can rush over content. Having someone sit in on a session with their student hat on so we can receive constructive feedback about our delivery, content, timing and if we are hitting the mark. The feedback loop is always beneficial.
And more so tune in for this short podcast.
Growth doesn’t happen naturally, it happens intentionally and is accessible to everyone!
Book picks for the month
Traction – Gino Wickman
Livewired – David Eagleman
Co-Active Coaching 3rd Edition – Henry Kimsey-House & Karen Kimsey-House
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Website: https://memberships.mantratraining.com.au/
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you wont pay more, however I may receive a commission which enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of prosecco to celebrate you awesome listeners.
Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I am so very grateful for your support.
Subscribe to our podcast;
Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/training-assessment-professional-development/id1493101646?uo=4
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Zxv2pe5e66gvLdKa9wWg1?si=7EqchpPERIax8uzL92mE3A
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingandassessmentPD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_a_p_d/
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you wont pay more, however I may receive a commission which enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of Prosecco to celebrate you awesome listeners.