Oct 28 2024 17 mins
Knowledge is power and understanding the nuances of egg maturation is incredibly helpful in any fertility journey. Based on her abstract on Assessing the Reproductive Potential of Late Mature Oocytes and Egg-Freezing Cycles, Reproductive Endocrinologist Dr. Keri Bergin shares her knowledge on this episode. We begin with background information on the study: when you do egg freezing, you want to stimulate the ovaries to grow as many eggs as possible; at the time of retrieval, the embryologist will determine which are mature and which are immature. At her lab at RMA, Dr. Bergin keeps the immature eggs in culture in the hope that they will mature. If they do, she will freeze them. This study looks at the potential of mature and late-to-mature eggs, and how they fare down the line, and this conversation covers what that means for your fertility journey. Join us as we unpack this important aspect of the egg-freezing cycle.