Apr 08 2024 28 mins
Would you love to start your own business, but worry that your age (over 40-ish) and career history will work against you? Hit play to have your assumptions challenged and your career change options increased!
As opposed to what you might think when you scroll through Instagram or listen to (another) hip, intimidating, 20-something start-up founder, the reality is the older you get (up until the age of 60), the better your chances are of starting and running a successful company (compared to a 20-something!).
Starting your own business is (for many of my clients) the best vehicle for changing careers after 40. Both in terms of bypassing gatekeepers and avoiding institutionalized ageism - But also because your age is one of your biggest advantages when it comes to the likelihood of you starting something financially viable!
Get ready to do your own thing - Or at least start considering it a realistic and exciting option for someone with your age and background!