Aug 14 2022 28 mins
Greg Owen leads on PrEP at Terrence Higgins Trust and is co-founder of iwantPrEPnow, a website which facilitates the safe purchase of genuine generic PrEP (the HIV prevention drug). He is a global pioneer in PrEP advocacy and was awarded the Life Ball Life Plus Award 2017 for outstanding contribution to HIV prevention. Greg has featured in numerous radio shows and on television, speaking about HIV, sexual well-being and PrEP, as well as writing and contributing to countless articles for LGBT and mainstream media. He recently starred in the critically acclaimed, landmark BBC documentary The People vs The NHS: Who Gets The Drugs? He is currently developing a new television project with one of the UK’s leading production companies.
Greg has lectured and presented on PrEP in many different setting across the globe. These range from lecturing at Manchester University and Oxford University to a speaking tour of Taiwan to giving evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group in Westminster and the Department of Health and Social Care. He also presents regularly at UK medical conferences for organisations such as the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and the British HIV Association (BHIVA) and presents internationally. He is part of the joint BASHH BHIVA PrEP Guidelines Writing Group.
BBC coverage of The People vs The NHS; Who Gets the Drugs?
How you get monkeypox
Find a sexual health clinic
Monkeypox: background information
Monkeypox in the UK
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