Jul 05 2023 31 mins
Get ready to embark on a fascinating flight through the world of aviation as your co-pilots on this exhilarating journey! Ever wondered about the intricate world of aviation radio communication? We'll illuminate the landscape for you, making sense of everything from entry requirements and two-way radio communications, to MODE C requirements for class Bravo and class Charlie airports. And because we know how intriguing the world of tail numbers is, we'll dive headfirst into that realm, even contemplating roping in a tail number vendor to give us an insider's point of view. For a touch of star-power, we'll also chat about Harrison Ford's DeHavilland Beaver and its legendary call sign.
Grit your teeth, as we're about to take a swift turn into the technical aspects of flying. We'll discuss the crucial role of flap settings, how they impact aircraft performance, and why they are a cornerstone of aerial safety. We'll also uncover the mystery behind the aircraft's center of gravity and its profound influence on stability and maneuverability. The conversation doesn't stop there – we'll also touch on landing techniques, energy management, and aircraft type differences. As our journey concludes, we'll tackle the subject of a reauthorization bill that could open the floodgates to limited commercialization of N numbers. Strap in, listeners, we're ready for takeoff!
Subscribe to the Rumble channel incase we do another airplane shopping episode... (this potential episode would not show up in this podcast feed (video only)):
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Robert started his own rumble channel and is contemplating streaming some flight simulator and IT type content:
Lee is on the fence about starting a personal channel on Rumble and showcasing the flying his newly purchased aircraft. Send him an email if you would like him to do that!
Lee's Email is: [email protected]
Robert's Email is: [email protected]
Scott's Online Store is: BoresAirParts.com