Jun 23 2024 51 mins
We had the outstanding pleasure of recording a podcast at the EIT Urban Mobility stand during Velo City 2024 in Gent. Filip Watteeuw, Schepen van Mobiliteit, Publieke Ruimte en Stedenbouw Stad Gent, was interviewed by Geert Kloppenburg and Stephan Poelsma from EIT Urban Mobility.
They delve into Ghent's revolutionary traffic circulation plan, discussing its origins, the mobility technologies implemented, and the significant impact on the residents and environment of Ghent.
This podcast is brought to you by EIT Urban Mobility, the pan-European organisation dedicated to accelerating the sustainable mobility transition in cities. For more information, visit our website at www.eiturbanmobility.eu.
Here is the link to the circulation plan of Gent: https://stad.gent/nl/mobiliteit-openbare-werken/plannen-en-realisaties-mobiliteit/mobiliteitsplan-circulatieplan-en-parkeerplan-gent/circulatieplan-gent
Let's solve the mobility challenges facing our cities together!
Filip Watteeuw, Geert Kloppenburg, Kristy Tong, Willem-Frederik (WF) Metzelaar, Stephan Poelsma, Alex Bojeri
#VeloCity2024 #SustainableMobility #Cycling #UrbanMobility #EITUrbanMobility #Podcast
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