Jan 21 2025 18 mins 4
This episode - Keep Climbing Higher = is regardingd our goals our dreams. I don't believe we ever reached the highest rung on the ladder, we reach a plateau for a while and get comfortable with that and then there’s a restlessness, a motivation to advance ourselves a little more. As long as we are living we can keep striving to be better, more knowledgeable and continue living your best life. This episode talks about when we reach an area where we think we're at the top it's OK to relax and live in that plateau for a while but then there comes a restlessness knowing that there's more, there's more we can do, there's more we can learn and it's taking our next step. We all walk our own path and have our own goals and dreams but there is always room for advancement for betterment. The satisfaction and the well-being you get from learning, taking steps forward, reaching your goals, just knowing that you're doing something to better your life is invaluable. And if you're not sure what the next step will be if you trust God the doors will be open. Remember there is always another rung on the ladder! If you are living your calling you will always enjoy the climb, you will be living your best life and it will be easy. #Goals #Motivation.
#Confidence. #BestLife. #Selfesteem. #Growth.