Oct 02 2024 49 mins 16
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This episode of the Movement Podcast emphasizes the importance of the hip as the central hub for body movement. If the hip isn’t functioning properly, it can lead to stress on the back and knees, making it crucial for overall body function.
Functional Patterns Over Isolated Exercises: Instead of focusing solely on isolated muscle strengthening or flexibility exercises, the podcast advocates for addressing functional movement patterns and restoring overall movement patterns, especially for the hips.
Stability vs. Mobility: A balance between stability and mobility is crucial. The back should be stable but able to move as needed, while the hip should be mobile. Overemphasis on stiffness can lead to compensatory issues in other parts of the body.
Assessment and Movement Screen: Effective assessment involves looking at overall movement patterns and not just isolated tests. This episode discusses the limitations of standard movement screens and suggests that a more comprehensive approach is needed.
Practical Exercises for Hip Function: Exercises like single-leg deadlifts, Turkish get-ups, and half-kneeling chops are recommended to maintain or restore hip function. These exercises help integrate movement patterns and improve functional performance.
Take a deeper dive into Mobility and Stability
In the Mobility Course, Gray guides you with his insights into global movement patterns and screening to differentiate mobility limitations due to tissue quality from those caused by inappropriate tone. In the Stability Course, Gray explores stability problems and their solutions, while detailing the vital interplay between local tissue quality, muscle performance, and global movement patterns.
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