What The EXPERTS Do Not TELL Us about Data Protection ? Part 20 Chiara Rustici discusses what business needs to know about the Data Governance Act .Open Data Directive , Digital Markets Act ,Digital Services Act

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Nov 13 2022 36 mins  

Dott. Chiara Rustici discusses the Data Governance Act, Open Data Directive, Digital Markets Act, Digital Services Act how they fit together and look at applicable and upcoming data regulation in the EU and tries and draw some conclusions on what that means for business /revenue models and operating models of data-rich businesses.

Dott. Chiara Rustici is a legal analyst and IT law expert with a focus on the new Brussels-Washington digital regulation drive. She is an independent legal scholar affiliated with the Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET) of La Sapienza University, in Rome. She was elected Chair of the Law Specialist Group at the BCS, formerly known as British Computing Society and ranked among the top 20 GDPR experts by the GDPR institute, a Swiss membership body for professional data protection practitioners. She is a soight after conference speaker and is widely quoted and published on both sides of the Atlantic. She runs her consultancy and research activities between London, Rome and the Italian Alps.

Dott. Chiara Rustici can be contacted via Linkedin here


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