How do you make an informed decision if your baby may be born with a life threatening illness. Genetic diseases can be heart wrenching.
Kira Dineen joins us to discuss the challenges surrounding genetic diseases and the sometimes difficult decisions parents have to make. We will also talk about the revolutionary gene editing tool, CRISPR, that is clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats”. What is that? Join us to find out. Please don’t forget to hit the like button and subscribe at
She is the host of the podcast DNA Today. She started “DNA Today: A Genetics Podcast” in 2012 which also became a radio show in 2014. The podcast has since produced over 140 episodes interviewing experts in the field. “DNA Today” won the Best 2020 Science and Medicine Podcast Award along with four other nominations.
Kira received her Diagnostic Genetic Bachelor’s of Science degree at the University of Connecticut and is a certified Cytogenetic Technologist. She received her Master’s of Science in Human Genetics at Sarah Lawrence College in New York. She is the host of the PhenoTips Speaker Series and currently practices as a genetic counselor in a high risk prenatal private practice.
She is here today to discuss genetic testing, the Nobel Prize winning CRSPR gene editing technique and the to talk about the overall quality and safety of DNA testing by such companies as 23&Me and Kira, Welcome to the program.