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Feb 28 2025 1 mins  

Morning Mantra: “There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.”

I used to offer my friendship to anyone. I no longer do so. I’m friendly to all, but only true friends with a few. I realized that in friendships quality is always better than quantity.

Over the years I have learned the value of my time. To me, time is currency and once spent it can’t be regained, so I am picky about who I invest my time with. I also value myself enough not to waste my time on those that don’t value me. True friendship is reserved for those who appreciate my time and who guard my heart as I do theirs.

Real friends are the ones you can count on no matter what. And a real friend never has to tell you that they are your friend. It’s an understanding in your hearts. A real friend is someone who knows your past, believes in your future and accepts you today- just the way you are.

Real friends are the ones who help you find yourself when you feel lost, then they help you find your way back to yourself. They do this with grace and love, not judgement and criticism.

True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet still remain side-by-side because they carry each other in their hearts. Once you give your energy and love to someone it is with them forever, like a little well of goodness they can draw from when needed.

Friends are the family you get to choose.

#BePickyAboutYourFriends #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #WordsToInspire #InspirationalQuotes #HorseHippieBoutique #SmallBusinessOwner #WomenOwned #HorseHippieBoutique