Mar 05 2025 1 mins
Morning Mantra: “Some people come into your life as blessings, some come in as lessons.”
No matter where life leads you, be good and be grateful to the people around you. Every single person has been placed in your life at the perfect moment for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Maybe you are learning a lesson from them. Maybe you are there to help someone along their journey. Maybe they are here to strengthen your courage or come to grips with your emotions.
Don't try to make people fit where they are not intended. This can cause you pain and brokenness. The Universe connects you with the right people that will fit into your life.
Whatever it may be, even if only for a brief moment, you can be certain there is a reason that you meet someone when you do. So honor their presence, however brief or long.
#BeOpenToLearnFromThoseAroundYou #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #WordsToInspire #InspirationalQuotes #HorseHippieBoutique #SmallBusinessOwner #WomenOwned
Quote: Mother Teresa