Mar 07 2025 1 mins
Morning Mantra: “You may not control all of the events that happened to you, but you could decide not to be reduced by them.”
Life gets easier when you stop fighting it. The rain will fall whether you complain or not. Traffic will exist whether you are stressed or not. People act how they want whether you worry or not. Focus on what you can change. Let go of what you can’t.
Don’t get me wrong, we should all fight for things that matter to us, but life would be much easier if we stop resisting things we CAN’T control. You are not giving up control, you are giving up the illusion of control. You never had control of those things anyway.
Here are things that you can actually control in your life; your honesty, your emotions, your thoughts, your self-confidence, your perspective, who you were friends with, how kind you are to other others, how you spend and invest your money, how much you appreciate what you have.
So focus on those, relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen.
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