Jun 07 2024 36 mins
Welcome to the Keswick Convention podcast 2024, meeting some of the speakers and seminar leaders to unpack the content and topics that feature at the Convention 2024, where the big theme is ‘Resurrection’.
Hosted by Graham Albans and Matt Holden.
Vaughan Roberts is a writer, speaker and the Rector at St Ebbe’s church in Oxford. Vaughan is the main speaker in the mornings at Week 3. He’ll be in the Psalms, on ‘Singing In The King’s Choir’.
Graham Beynon is a pastor and planter in Cambridge, as well as being the Head Of Local Ministries at the FIEC. He’s also an author, speaker, and guest lecturer at Oak Hill College. Graham’s seminar in Week 1 is called ‘Living In The Light Of The Future’, and he will be speaking on Tuesday evening in the main tent.
10ofThose have kindly provided a discount code for listeners of this podcast, and a link to find all the titles mentioned in this series. Simply visit https://uk.10ofthose.com/partners/keswick-podcast and use the discount code: Keswick5
Books mentioned in this episode:
- Lifted: Sam Allberry
- Union With Christ: Rankin Wilbourne
- Death In Adam, Life In Christ: Fesko
Music by ANKA via Amen Worldwide
Visit the Keswick Ministries website for more resources.
The Keswick Convention is free and runs from 13th July until 2nd August 2024.