Jul 28 2021 38 mins
#21. One major mistake microinfluencers make is not charging brands for whitelisting and usage rights. In this episode, influencer marketing expert Justin Moore, founder of Creator Wizard and Trending Family, demystifies these terms and explains why you should charge an additional fee for whitelisting and licensing - as well as how to price your sponsored content. We discuss other influencer FAQs including how to negotiate unpaid brand pitches into paid partnerships; whether or not to share your rates on a media kit; and how to improve organic reach on Instagram.
Have questions about the episode or want to comment? Tag or DM @channelyourinfluence on Instagram.
To connect with host Diane Taha go to instagram.com/stylecontext.
To connect with guest Justin Moore go to instagram.com/creatorwizard.
You can also find Justin at the following:
Join Justin's Facebook group for influencers: https://branddealintel.com/
Say Good Night by Joakim Karud @joakimkarud
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs youtu.be/tdSn9l_HzFE