Aug 11 2022 71 mins
Join us for an exciting talk with our friend and colleague Ami Bess, Chief Flight Nurse for UCHealth LifeLine about one of the most unnerving topics in Adult Critical Care Transport - Management of the HROB patient with severe Antepartum & Postpartum Hemorrhage.
Topics discussed in this episode include
- Assessment of the patient with severe Antepartum and Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Cause of APH and PPH
- Management of APH and PPH including
- Medications
- Blood Products
- Mechanical Tamponade devices including the Bakri Balloon and Jada System
- and Surgical Procedures
In this podcast, Ami makes reference to the WOMEN Trial, a trial looking at the use of TXA in pregnant women. You can find that trial here. WOMAN Trial - Lancet
Ami can be contacted by email at [email protected]
Medic and RN CE's available over at