Nov 22 2023 62 mins
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Part 1 - What we got wrong…
Just who is that person walking around with a clipboard all day?
To most Camp Counselors, the Camp Director is a strange and mythical creature. They’re like a teacher…but completely different. They’re like a boss…but definitely not in the traditional sense.
So who are they?
In this first of a series of episodes, we break down some of the assumptions we had about our Camp Directors growing up, and now, 15(ish) years later, what was (and mostly wasn’t) correct about those assumptions.
Here are some of the assumptions we cover:
- Is my Director judging every singly thing I do? Are they going to fire me for messing up?
- I bet they are too busy to help me.
- All they think about is camp. They definitely don’t have a life outside of camp.
- All they care about is money!
- They are the WORST communicators
Have you ever had any of those thoughts about your Camp Director? Then this episode is for you!
E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning
Level up your Camp Counselor skills with these resources!
- Oliver: 3 tips for all camp schedule making -
- Timely- give it out early
- 1-page story
- Delivery dress up
- Matt: Trust Tube from Ultimate Camp Resource
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