What to Expect When You're Expecting...Staff Training! - First Class Counselors #73

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May 15 2024 62 mins  

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Congratulations! You’re having a wild, wonderful bundle of CAMP!

Staff training season is upon us (that is, if you’re listening to this episode in May) and while camp staff around the world are finishing up the school year, camp directors are putting the final touches on staff training.

If you’ve never been, or are newer to staff training before it’s this entirely different world, within an entirely different world. It’s school, but way better, and way more tiring.

But this is an extremely important time for you to prepare for the wonderful work ahead so this episode is dedicated to not just what to expect at staff training, but Oliver and my pro-tips on how to thrive in staff training.


E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

Level up your Camp Counselor skills with these resources!

  • Oliver: The Learning Pyramid - Stack the learning style of the session with another one to maximize the learning
  • Matt: A staff training fidget to help you stay engaged - A good fidget is one that doesn’t distract you or others from absorbing the material of the session. 1-handed, silent, solo.


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