Jake and Pete host good friend Matt Risinger (pretty sure he is “part” of the Build Show...). It starts simple with pre-drywall checklists (you know, like blocking for toilet paper holders...). But boy, it quickly blossoms into a wonderful, wandering discussion of everything from sequencing to quality control to a scopes of work program. Terrific list of resources comes out of this podcast!
Pete’s Resources:
- Build Show Jake Bruton – “The Importance of a Pre-Drywall Checklist:” https://buildshownetwork.com/contents/importance_of_pre_drywall_checklist
- Pete’s Design/Spec outline
- Build Show Zach Dettmore Kreg Foreman for Pocket Holes - https://buildshownetwork.com/contents/kreg_foreman_review
- Lindsay Haas Davenport “Scopes of Work Program:” - https://www.amazon.com/Scopes-Work-Program-Procedures-Standards/dp/0867185147
- Pete Yost GreenBuildingAdvisor “High Performance Scopes of Work:” https://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/article/high-performance-scopes-of-work