Feb 05 2021 51 mins
Today, Dwhitt and Richard dive into that smirking, sly guy himself: Loki! Popular in recent years due to the marvel films, Loki proves to be one of the most remembered and interesting figures among mythologies. While he hangs with the Gods, being friend with both Odin and Thor, he himself is not. Giant (Jotan) by birth, he assumes the role of the "Trickster God" among the Norse. Modern versions paint him as a villain but in reality he mostly causes disorder and trickery.
Although it's debated on his origins and role among the Norse because, as with many Norse Myths, very little is written about him. He holds the power of illusion and shapeshifting, using these powers to trick and sow chaos. He holds an ill tempered and jealous eye, not many like the giant Loki in Valhalla. But Odin, the chief of the Gods, had sworn him as blood brother. His most infamous story is when he killed Baldur, son of Odin.
Article about Loki and Runes: https://www.google.com/amp/s/oneofamyriadfaces.wordpress.com/2014/08/26/lokis-runes-according-to-the-vernacular/amp/
-Opening Narration by Maurice Thomas
-Cover art by Robert Neal
-Music used-
Heavy Brigade by https://www.purple-planet.com
Twisted by Kevin Macleod
Licensed under Creative Commons:
By Attribution 3.0 License
Hold on a Second by Bryan Teoh
Aces High by Kevin Macleod
Licensed under Creative Commons:
By Attribution 3.0 License