Feb 12 2021 43 mins
With Bryan away, Robert joins the Boys to assemble to go over the War that Started the Norse Pantheon; The War between the Æsir–Vanir! It began when a Vanir witch began cursing and charming the Gods of the Æsir. Something Odin didn't take too lightly. Deciding punishment would be given, they burned her three times. But to their surprise, she remained unburned.
This magic intrigued Odin, and decided that he should have it. The Æsir went to the homeland to begin the conflict, but the Vanir would be ready for them. For they knew this war was coming. The battle raged for a long time, with either side not gaining the upper hand. One day, the Æsir would win. That's not just a summary, that's about all there is to this myth. A short myth and a short episode, but history important to the followers of the Norse believers.
--Research from---
A Dictionary of Norse Mythology by Rudolph Semik
The Prose Edda, The Poetic Edda, and Ynglinga Saga by Snorri Strulson
-Opening Narration by Maurice Thomas
-Cover art by Robert Neal
-Music used-
Heavy Brigade by https://www.purple-planet.com
Twisted by Kevin Macleod
Licensed under Creative Commons:
By Attribution 3.0 License
Aces High by Kevin Macleod
Licensed under Creative Commons:
By Attribution 3.0 License