Mar 26 2021 45 mins
Voodoo is a complex and atypical religion that has spread through the Americas through the American Slave Trade from West Africa. It was derived from Vudon, a belief system that propagated countries like Nigeria, Togo, and Ghana. An oral religion and possibly one of the oldest.
During it’s theistic evolution through the years it has combined elements of Catholicism, Christianity, Mysticism, and even Folklore. It has well over 5 million followers today, with worshippers spread throughout South America, the Caribbean Islands, and the Southern United States.
Voodoo has been sensationalized and twisted by pop-culture. Although, to the modern ideal it’s viewed with aberrancy and speculation, the belief of it’s congregants is absolutely serious. Look beyond the corner shops and tourist traps and you’ll find a religion that is living and breathing.
Podcast Art: Robert Neal
Opening Narration: Maurice Thomas
-Music Used-
Heavy Brigade by
Twisted by Kevin Macleod
Licensed under Creative Commons:
By Attribution 3.0 License
Hold on a Second by Bryan Teoh
Aces High by Kevin Macleod
Licensed under Creative Commons:
By Attribution 3.0 License