Many individuals are hesitant to retire, even when financially prepared, due to uncertainty and a lack of clear planning. This episode provides a practical guide to making retirement a reality, focusing on three key steps:
- Assess Your Current Financial Health
- Envision Your Ideal Retirement
- Connect Financial Readiness to Goals
By addressing these steps, you can retire confidently, balancing future preparation with enjoying today.
Questions answered?
1. How can I determine if I am financially ready to retire?
2. What steps should I take to plan for a fulfilling and sustainable retirement?
Submit your request to join James:
On the Ready For Retirement podcast: Apply Here
On a Retirement Makeover episode: Apply Here
0:00 - Assess current financial position
2:21 - Know monthly income and expenses
4:30 - Review debts
6:46 - Envision ideal retirement
9:29 - Connect the dots
13:26 - Retire with confidence
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