Oct 31 2023 11 mins
As Christians, we have all heard comments and questions about those in the world that have never heard the gospel, never heard the name Jesus, and never seen a Bible. You know, the indigenous people of Outer Mongolia, sub-Sahara Africa, and Papua New Guinea. We certainly know those people exist and many others that have populated geographically isolated regions. For discussion purposes, I will call those people “the separated”, those having never seen or heard any aspect of Christianity.
The questions that arise are like the following:
Do “the separated” have any way to be saved?
Are “the separated” all bound for hell?
How does God deal with “the separated” while they are alive?
What sort of judgment awaits “the separated” after death?
The Holy Spirit gave me the answers to those questions while reading Psalm 19.
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Podcast: Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Books, eBooks, and Audiobooks:
Ephesians - An Expository Study
Revelation Rightly Divided
The Apostle Paul, Unlocking the Mysteries of the Church
Master Key to Understanding the Bible:
Beyond the Rapture: Guide to the Great Tribulation:
Future History: God's Intelligence Briefing on the End Times.: