Dec 12 2023 11 mins
Special Needs and the Christmas season. Recipe for overwhelm and meltdowns. That's why in this episode I share my favorite grounding exercise to stop the overwhelm and find my inner calm. Even when you're in a crowded supermarket or at a big family gathering. Plus an extra exercise using the 5 senses that can also help snap out of the overwhelm. If your kid needs a little help to snap out of the overwhelm, this one is great to do together! And at the end I've got a few tips to help your kid at Christmas celebrations (or any family gathering for that matter).
I think I came across the snow globe exercise a couple of years ago in my favorite Christmas book: Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year by Beth Kempton. But upon rereading it I found out I gave it a little twist. Beth does the lovely Calm Christmas podcast series as well in the weeks before Christmas. It's my favorite podcast in the winter season to relax, calm down and savour the things that truly matter. I can't recommend it enough!
Stay sane 🧘 Stay happy 💃 mom.