Oct 10 2023 32 mins
This week, we are chatting all about station-based learning. This instructional model is frequently used at the elementary level, so our focus for this conversation is how to implement station-based learning in the secondary classroom.
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**For detailed show notes, please visit our website at https://edugals.com/102**
- There are many different ways to set up stations - by activity, by curriculum strand
- Can be done over a day, several days, or even a week
- Catlin Tucker - Blended Learning in Action book and Balance with Blended Learning book
- Station Rotation Model:
- Teacher-led, small group work, individual practice, online learning, collaborative stations
- Doesn't need to be physical locations in your room although this can help your students stay on task!
- Other ideas for stations: makerspace, research, project-based learning, design & create, virtual field trips, role playing &/or performance, feedback
- Feedback station suggestions:
- Peer review, teacher led, self assessment
- Provide sentence starters and/or frameworks to guide peer and self assessment
- Behind the scenes:
- Lots of upfront work with a big payoff
- Consider approaching the topic using different modalities
- Think about those topics that students often struggle with to target for stations
- Help students learn the model by starting with low stakes stations (getting to know you activities for example)
- Consider interactions: teacher-student, student-student, student-content
- Have clear objectives, tasks, instructions
- Works well with mastery-based learning
- Mix up the activities you use
- Look at UDL framework for inspiration
- Logistics in the classroom:
- Limit the number of students per station
- Use a timer and project it to keep students on task
- It's ok not to finish all tasks
- Consider lesson classifications from Modern Classrooms framework
- Add in a fun station (curriculum-related board games, etc.)
- Tech vs no-tech - not all stations need tech!
- If using tech, consider all aspects - headphones, headphone splitters, chromebooks, adapters
- Expect a learning curve - try, fail, learn!
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