My heart reaches out to the millions of displaced citizens in our struggling world, and to the thousands of families in my long years' home and hearth in Asheville, North Carolina who are suffering from the wrath of Hurrricane Helene. Aminsa- where there is no otherness, only the loving act of mutual kindness- is more needed now than ever. May we remeber the sancitity of Earth, her food and water, from which our mins and bodies are created.
A Vedic prayer from Rig Veda for the Sacred Water:
ईशाना वार्याणां क्षयन्तीश्चर्षणीनाम् ।
अपो याचामि भेषजम् ॥५॥
O Water, may the auspicious divinity which is desired be present in you when we drink (water).
May the auspiciousness which supports you, flow to us.
May Peace Be Your Journey~