Dec 11 2024 17 mins 2

Science writer Erika Engelhaupt, author of one of my favorite recent books, Gory Details: Adventures From the Dark Side of Science, joins me to discuss her new book Go to Hell: A Traveler’s Guide to Earth’s Most Otherworldly Destinations. It’s a travel bucket list with over 50 destinations worldwide that are linked to various interpretations of hell, underworlds, and eerie locations. Engelhaupt says that “cultures throughout history and around the world have had some kind of version of the underworld,” so she worked with the editors at National Geographic to create a book that highlights some of these underworlds. From the Gates of Hell crater in Turkmenistan (but missing the Gates of Hell in Clintonville) to the Hell Cave of Ireland to the Bracken Bat Cave in Texas, Engelhaupt has plenty of hellish locations for you. Check it out.