Jan 26 2025
I continue to take listeners through my latest book DragonKingKarl's Pioneer Era Pro Wrestling Omnibus: The Bible of the Pioneer Era of Pro Wrestling and we have reached the 1860s, the era right before the Detroit International Tournament, the event which would effectively kick off pro wrestling in America, sort of. Today, I get to revisit one of my favorite and most colorful of the pioneer era pro wrestlers: Uzile Prickett, who won the American championship then set off across the country wreaking havoc until he was murdered! This is hour 65 of 1000 Hours.
YOU CONTROL THIS SERIES! It will only run as long as it is supported. In order to get another hour of 1000 hours we need a new Patreon supporter at any level or a cash donation via the front page of WhenItWasCool.com to either PayPal or CashApp (Please put "1000" in the note). As soon as it is received, I will produce a new hour. Presently, we are funded up to hour 86.
YOU CONTROL THIS SERIES! It will only run as long as it is supported. In order to get another hour of 1000 hours we need a new Patreon supporter at any level or a cash donation via the front page of WhenItWasCool.com to either PayPal or CashApp (Please put "1000" in the note). As soon as it is received, I will produce a new hour. Presently, we are funded up to hour 86.