Dec 10 2024
Somebody at TNA Wrestling scheduled two app specials in two weeks, leaving the crew scrambling to throw a card together with no time to waste. So we get a five-way match as KUSHIDA, Trent Seven, Ace Austin, Leon Slater, and JDC battle to see who will challenge Moose for the X Division title at Final Resolution; a tag match set up for no reason other than four mean dudes all feel like fighting; a world championship challenge from A.J. Francis to Nic Nemeth issued and accepted in a hasty hallway promo battle; a tag team championship match between the Hardys and the System with no finish so they can do a rematch eight days later; Tasha Steelz vs. Jordynne Grace in a de facto top contender's match for Masha Slamovich's Knockouts title; and a wacky eight-man main event that was supposed to build up a four-way top contender's match but didn't do a very good job of it. We'll break it all down on the latest Big Vinny V Show!