Antitrust Implications of Pharmaceutical Pricing: from Martin Shkreli to EpiPen

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Sep 14 2017

Corporations, Securities & Antitrust Practice Group Podcast

From Martin Shkreli to the Epipen, decisions about pharmaceutical pricing and distribution have been very much in the news of late.� Much of the discussion centers on whether or not it is immoral to charge high prices.� The question remains, however, about whether those business practices raise antitrust concerns.� Can a high price in and of itself violate antitrust laws?� What about policies that limit the channels through which a particular product is distributed?� Professor Michael Carrier of Rutgers Law School analyzed these questions, noting the arguments both for and against a finding of antitrust liability, as well as discussing the particular circumstances that have raised a red flag from an antitrust perspective in some of these recent cases.


  • Prof. Michael A. Carrier, Distinguished Professor of Law,�Rutgers Law School