Mar 05 2024 30 mins
Mary Fowler and Lisa Williams are guests on this episode talking about homeschool burnout. Maybe you have felt it over the years of homeschooling? For example, the wall you hit when there’s no creativity left or life responsibilities are too much. What if you gave yourself permission to take a break? Listen in to find out more about the importance of taking a break as well as the power of self-reflection!
Mary Fowler has worked for IDEA as a Contact teacher since 1999. She has four kids and is currently homeschooling three of the four ranging in grades 3-12. Mary loves the outdoors, fishing, reading, and playing games with her family.
Lisa Williams grew up in McLean, Virginia near Washington DC.. She received her Undergraduate degree from Georgetown University in the School of Foreign Service followed by commissioning in the United States Marine Corps as a Cryptology/Intelligence Officer. After serving in the Marines, Mrs. Williams, her husband and four sons moved to Alaska where she homeschooled her children through IDEA and other Charter and Private schools.
Mrs. Williams became involved in classical education at Holy Rosary Academy. Mrs. Williams attained her Master of Arts in Education from Alaska Pacific University while teaching. She then became the Principal at Holy Rosary, and later she was the Headmaster at Chesterton Academy of Annapolis. Mrs. Williams and her husband were blessed to spend a year abroad where she taught at The International School Westphalz in Landsthul Germany teaching at a Swiss school using the Cambridge curriculum.
Finally, life has returned full circle and she is now a contact teacher at the Eagle River IDEA office where she once was a homeschool parent.
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