En este episodio volvemos al Soul y al Raw Funk mas salvaje que ejerció de banda sonora (al menos en la comunidad negra) en la convulsa sociedad Norteamericana de finales de los 60s.
- Monkey Shine - Jimmy Mayes & The Mill Street Depot
- Let´s Do The Tighten Up - The Royal Kings
- Of Hopes & Dreams & Tombstones - Jimmy Fraser
- Talkin´ Bout Soul - Marvin L. Sims
- I´m Stuck On My Baby - Irene & The Scotts
- Boogaloo-Tramp - A.C Reed
- Do Your Own Thing - Harvey Clark
- Golden Toadstools - Silly Savage
- I Don´t Know What´s Troubling Me - Jimmy Dee & The Mighty Dee Jays
- Don´t The Popcorn - Kim Melvin
- The Shocker - Peg-Leg Moffett
- New Boogaloo 67 - Jimmy Castor
- Drive Me - Stu Gardner
- Every Body´s Getting Soul - John Bradley & His Swin-Ging Soul Seekers
-Tighten Up The Slack - Howard Peters
- Cracker Jack - Mickey & His Mice
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- Monkey Shine - Jimmy Mayes & The Mill Street Depot
- Let´s Do The Tighten Up - The Royal Kings
- Of Hopes & Dreams & Tombstones - Jimmy Fraser
- Talkin´ Bout Soul - Marvin L. Sims
- I´m Stuck On My Baby - Irene & The Scotts
- Boogaloo-Tramp - A.C Reed
- Do Your Own Thing - Harvey Clark
- Golden Toadstools - Silly Savage
- I Don´t Know What´s Troubling Me - Jimmy Dee & The Mighty Dee Jays
- Don´t The Popcorn - Kim Melvin
- The Shocker - Peg-Leg Moffett
- New Boogaloo 67 - Jimmy Castor
- Drive Me - Stu Gardner
- Every Body´s Getting Soul - John Bradley & His Swin-Ging Soul Seekers
-Tighten Up The Slack - Howard Peters
- Cracker Jack - Mickey & His Mice
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Recuerda seguirnos los domingos a las 20:00 en
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[email protected]