Comenzamos con los primeros favoritos del año: los favoritos de Mundofonías de enero del 2025, que corresponden a los nuevos trabajos del saxofonista francés, imbuido de africanidad, JB Moundele, al dúo flamenco-global de Melón Jiménez y Lara Wong y al canadiense luisianizado Benoît LeBlanc. Nos embarcamos después en una caravana que nos lleva desde Mali hasta Persia, con la nueva música de Salif Keita, los sones gnawa de Asmaa Hamzaoui, presente en la programación de LIMO, en Madrid, que también comentamos; más sonido gnawa en diálogo con otras expresividades musicales, y otras nuevas o rescatadas propuestas orientalizantes.
We begin with the first favorites of the year: the Mundofonías favorites for January 2025, which feature the new albums of the French saxophonist imbued with African influences, JB Moundele, the flamenco-global duo Melón Jiménez and Lara Wong, and the Canadian with a Louisianan aproach, Benoît LeBlanc. We then embark on a caravan that takes us from Mali to Persia, featuring the new music of Salif Keita, the gnawa sounds of Asmaa Hamzaoui, who is part of the programming at LIMO in Madrid, which we also discuss; more gnawa sounds in dialogue with other musical expressions, as well as other new or rediscovered orientalizing proposals.
Favoritos de enero
January favorites
- JB Moundele - Mandingue suite - Racines
- Melón Jiménez & Lara Wong - Confluencias - Confluencias
- Benoît LeBlanc - Dansé Marie Laveau - Mô kouzin mô kouzinn
Caravana de Mali a Persia
Caravan from Mali to Persia
- Salif Keita - Kanté Manfila - Kanté Manfila [single]
- Kosmo Sound & Imane Guemssy - Beleji - Makasima
- Asmaa Hamzaoui & Bnat Timbouktou - Foulani - Oulad lghaba
- Ammar El Sherei - Eftekerny - Music from the East
- Kairos Collective - Manastirka - Ariadne
- Toranj Quartet - Kowli var - Kowli var
We begin with the first favorites of the year: the Mundofonías favorites for January 2025, which feature the new albums of the French saxophonist imbued with African influences, JB Moundele, the flamenco-global duo Melón Jiménez and Lara Wong, and the Canadian with a Louisianan aproach, Benoît LeBlanc. We then embark on a caravan that takes us from Mali to Persia, featuring the new music of Salif Keita, the gnawa sounds of Asmaa Hamzaoui, who is part of the programming at LIMO in Madrid, which we also discuss; more gnawa sounds in dialogue with other musical expressions, as well as other new or rediscovered orientalizing proposals.
Favoritos de enero
January favorites
- JB Moundele - Mandingue suite - Racines
- Melón Jiménez & Lara Wong - Confluencias - Confluencias
- Benoît LeBlanc - Dansé Marie Laveau - Mô kouzin mô kouzinn
Caravana de Mali a Persia
Caravan from Mali to Persia
- Salif Keita - Kanté Manfila - Kanté Manfila [single]
- Kosmo Sound & Imane Guemssy - Beleji - Makasima
- Asmaa Hamzaoui & Bnat Timbouktou - Foulani - Oulad lghaba
- Ammar El Sherei - Eftekerny - Music from the East
- Kairos Collective - Manastirka - Ariadne
- Toranj Quartet - Kowli var - Kowli var