Mar 17 2023 6 mins 15
By Manuel Lemos
PHP 8.1 introduced a new feature called fibers, allowing developers to implement PHP asynchronous programming.
If you implement asynchronous programming, it is possible to make your PHP scripts execute multiple tasks in parallel, thus making those scripts faster.
Read this article, watch a 6-minute video, or listen to episode 94 of the Lately in PHP podcast to learn how to use PHP fibers, PHP Swoole, or ReactPHP to make your PHP scripts finish faster.
If you implement asynchronous programming, it is possible to make your PHP scripts execute multiple tasks in parallel, thus making those scripts faster.
Read this article, watch a 6-minute video, or listen to episode 94 of the Lately in PHP podcast to learn how to use PHP fibers, PHP Swoole, or ReactPHP to make your PHP scripts finish faster.