Mar 25 2025 53 mins 310
Are we headed right for a recession, or are stocks on sale? We don’t own a crystal ball, but Ricky Mulvey from The Motley Fool is capitalizing on the recent stock market swing by loading up on some of his favorite equities. Stay tuned to find out if now is an ideal time for YOU to “stock up,” too!
Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Money podcast! In light of the recent market pullback, Ricky is going to share why he thinks it’s the right time to take advantage of low stock prices. He’ll discuss some of his best bargain buys, his biggest portfolio wins and losses in recent years, and, most importantly, the four-step approach you can use to identify stocks that could be set to soar in 2025.
If you’re a regular listener, you know that Scott and Mindy are partial to stashing their money in index funds, sitting back, and watching their wealth snowball over the long haul. You might say that Ricky has a slightly larger appetite for risk, as he isn’t opposed to picking stocks, timing the market, and getting out after three to five years. Stick around to find out if his strategy works!
In This Episode We Cover
Whether now is the time to buy stocks after the recent market pullback
Ricky’s four-step approach to finding value in the stock market
Using insider buying activity to find potential investing opportunities
How to prevent “tax drag” when buying and selling off stocks
Reviewing Ricky’s biggest portfolio wins and losses (Meta, Spotify, and more!)
And So Much More!
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BiggerNews: Real Estate vs. Stocks, the Ultimate Wealth-Building Debate
(00:00) Intro
(01:09) The Recent Pullback
(08:53) Hunting for Value
(18:55) Portfolio Wins & Losses
(24:58) Holding Periods & “Tax Drag”
(30:18) Why Costco Is “Safe”
(33:05) How to Pick Stocks
(38:50) Connect with Ricky!
(40:45) Do Your Research!
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