Feb 10 2025 58 mins 3
In A Common Concern, the Climate Justice Podcast we will be looking at the ways in which the law can, or might, address the urgent threat posed by climate change. We will look at the protection of the rights of those most impacted, including displaced people, workers and those most vulnerable due to current levels of poverty. We will also consider legal developments in other jurisdictions around the world, starting with the United States. Throughout the series, we will try to answer one key question, what role can the law play in closing the gap between where we are and where we need to get to, to avoid global environmental destruction and catastrophic loss of life and wellbeing. In that regard, we will also look at the legal implications of the science informing our understanding of climate change, bearing in mind that while governments may come and go, the laws of physics will continue to govern our world.
In this first episode, Kate Cook is joined by Dr. Erik Mackie and Dr. Luke Kemp. Together, we will discuss the science behind climate tipping points and cascade risks.
In this first episode, Kate Cook is joined by Dr. Erik Mackie and Dr. Luke Kemp. Together, we will discuss the science behind climate tipping points and cascade risks.