Aug 08 2022 25 mins 5
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Congresswoman Chisholm fights to not bow to corporate interests to fundraise her grassroots campaign for President. And a surprise celebrity connects the campaigns for Angela and Shirley.
The Chisholm campaign builds steam and Chisholm's campaign manager quits.
HUGE SHOUTS OF THANKS and APPRECIATION! Too many roles to list so in alphabetical order.
Gabrielle Adkins as Margaret Burnham
Julie Atwell
Eli Barraza
Ian Bell
Jeanette Berry
Alan Bourke
Cole Burkhardt
Jordan Cobb as Charlene Mitchell
Alexander Danner as McGovern
TK Dutes
Ebonie Ellington as Shirley Chisholm
Em Ervolina
Jeffrey Nills Gardner
Morgan Givens as Howard Moore
D. Rubin Green as Congressman
Brandon G. Green as Leo Branton
Evan Gulock as James
Jordan Higgs
Sean Howard as NYC Mayor Lindsay
Eleanor Hyde
Steven Hylton as Wesley
Peter Killy
Victoria Leigh
Eli Hamada McIlveen
Jimmy Mehiel as President Richard Nixon
Isaiah Mueller as McClain and Conrad Chisholm
Michael Molina Minard
Morris Neopolitano
Bayo Olukotun
Serena Rahhal
Bob Raymonda
Shawn Regruto
Jared Roberts
Joshua Rubino as Edgar Hoover
John Sebastian La Valle as Harris
Danielle Shemaiah
Michael Sinclair as George Jackson
Jac'leen Smith as Angela Davis
Emilio Smith
Nina Smith
Tom Smith
Jordan Stillman as Rose Mary Woods
Jeff Van Dreason as Judge Arnason
Violet Tallis
Chi Williams
Ronald Young, Jr.
Tau Zaman
Sound Design by Xperience J.
Editor, Producer, Recording Engineer - T.H. Ponders
Art by Neville Harvey
Written and directed by Yhane Washington Smith
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