Mar 02 2025 51 mins
Episode 1659 - Brough to you by our incredible sponsors:
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- (00:00:00) - The Ides of March in the Discord Chat
- (00:03:31) - Trump Critiques Zelenskyy's Suit, JD Vance Called a "Bitch"??
- (00:20:56) - Innovation Lightning Round: Bagel Sandwiches, Boobs, Body Glitter, Mardi Gras, Space Planes, 50 Year Batteries, and Eliminating Microplastics
- (00:33:10) - Indian Lawyer Successfully Sues Movie Theater for Too Many Previews
- (00:41:33) - South Carolina Man Booby Traps Own Home, Gets Arrested, Kills Nephew with Home Booby Trap wile in Prison
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