Sep 08 2022 52 mins
She’s a talent scout, devoted babysitter, and sometimes impersonates Florida judges: It’s Australian con artist Samantha Azzopardi. Our special guest this week, comedian Ariel Elias, unpacks the many scams and uncomfortably basic aliases of Azzopardi. Azzopardi traveled around the globe conning unsuspecting families, young girls, and even entire police stations. Is she schizophrenic, is she creative, or is she just craving attention à la Caroline Calloway? Ariel Elias is a nationally touring standup and was recently praised by the New York Times for having a perfect joke. It’s a fun one!
New York Times, Live Comedy Is Back in New York! But Outdoors. Is This a Good Thing?
New Yorker Article How Stories Deceive
The Age, Australia Samantha Azzopardi 'posed as a talent scout called Marley', court told CCTV of alleged conwoman dressed as a schoolgirl emerges
DISCLAIMER: We are comedians and this is satire. C’mon
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