In this jam-packed episode Jeremy and George dive into multiple hot button topics that are still unfolding. Ace journalist Chris Sharpe is on the ground in the UK as military airspaces continue to be penetrated nightly by mystery objects described as “drones.” But if they are mere drones, who is flying them, what are they doing, and why do the sophisticated sensors and weapons of both the UK and US powerless to stop them, track them, or shoot them down?
Also joining the podcast, underwater archeologist Rory Kremer describes how he and his team were able to record astonishing video of a UFO that became a USO when it descended from the sky and slowly slipped into the Pacific Ocean as a video camera recorded the performance. A brief clip of this encounter is featured in the Netflix series Investigation Alien. In this WEAPONIZED episode, the world will get a much longer look at the transmedium object and other unknowns seen by Kremer and crew out in “TIC TAC UFO” territory.
And if anyone is still confused by the odd circumstances surrounding the recent congressional hearing into UAP - WEAPONIZED feels your pain. What if anything did we learn from that event? What was unfolding behind the scenes? And were clues dropped about where things might head next?
Are you not entertained?
Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here :
Watch Knapp's six-part UFO docuseries titled ALIEN INVESTIGATION on NETFLIX here :
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