Dec 05 2024 63 mins 6
Even though he plays in one of the world’s biggest rock bands, is an active solo performer and hosts two podcasts (the second- and third-best podcasts ever), Foo Fighters guitarist Chris Shiflett found the time to convene with the Axe Lords to discuss his remarkable career, punk and glam-metal roots, signature Fender guitars, the relentless quest for an original sound, and why a sweaty club gig can be more nerve-wracking than playing a sold-out stadium show. Drop into our DMs if you need to know where to send those free Cleavers, buddy!
Follow Chris Shiflett @shifty71
Axe Lords is hosted by Dave Hill, Cindy Hulej and Tom Beaujour. Produced by Studio Kairos. Executive Producer is Kirsten Cluthe. Edited by Justin Thomas (Revoice Media). Engineered by Patrick Samaha. Recorded at Kensaltown East. Artwork by Mark Dowd. Theme music by Valley Lodge.
Follow Axe Lords @axelordspod for news, updates, and cool stuff.
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